Spesifikasi Island Bench Polos DFL-10 :
Island Bench Polos DFL-10
Meja Laboratorium Ruangan Tengah
Material Body, Pintu dan Laci : plywood, tebal 18 mm.
Plywood dari bahan meranti yang kuat atau setara meranti pada bagian depan dan belakang. Dilapisi dengan HPL (Soft finishing).
Acuan lapisan HPL : ISO 4586, tebal ±0,10 mm.
Surface wear resistance 400
Dry resistance up to 180ºC
Bagian dalam dilapisi Deco-sheet 0,3mm (Soft finishing)
Dilengkapi dengan pintu
Gambar ilustrasi, tanpa laci, rak diatas meja, sink, water inlet, water outlet system dan tanpa dilengkapi koneksi listrik.
Opsi Top Table : Phenolic Resin atau Granit
*Top Table Phenolic Resin Tebal 6 mm tidak terkontaminasi bakteri dan jamur, tahan panas dan tahan gores
*Top Table Granit dari bahan natural alam dengan tebal 15-18 mm
Ukuran :
I. Island Bench Polos DFL-10 Tebal 18 mm – Phenolic 6 mm
DFL-10A Ukuran (P x L x T) : 300 x 150 x 80 cm
DFL-10B Ukuran (P x L x T) : 400 x 150 x 80 cm
DFL-10C Ukuran (P x L x T) : 500 x 150 x 80 cm
II. Island Bench Polos DFL-10 Tebal 18 mm – Phenolic 6 mm
DFL-10D Ukuran (P x L x T) : 300 x 120 x 80 cm
DFL-10E Ukuran (P x L x T) : 400 x 120 x 80 cm
DFL-10F Ukuran (P x L x T) : 500 x 120 x 80 cm
III. Island Bench Polos DFL-10 Tebal 18 mm – Granit
DFL-10G Ukuran (P x L x T) : 300 x 150 x 80 cm
DFL-10H Ukuran (P x L x T) : 400 x 150 x 80 cm
DFL-10I Ukuran (P x L x T) : 500 x 150 x 80 cm
IV. Island Bench Polos DFL-10 Tebal 18 mm – Granit
DFL-10J Ukuran (P x L x T) : 300 x 120 x 80 cm
DFL-10K Ukuran (P x L x T) : 400 x 120 x 80 cm
DFL-10L Ukuran (P x L x T) : 500 x 120 x 80 cm
Alat Laboratorium
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), Autoclave, Balance atau Timbangan dan Centrifuge. Autoclave terdiri dari Portable Autoclave, Vertical Autoclave, Horizontal Autoclave dan Benchtop Autoclave. Balance atau Analytical Balance atau Analytical Scale ataupun Timbangan Analitik terbagi dalam beberapa kapasitas yaitu 210 gram, 600 gram, 1000 gram dan 2000 gram. Centrifuge terdiri dari High Speed Bench Top Centrifuge, Trace Blood Centrifuge, Benchtop High Speed Centrifuge dan High Speed Desk Top Centrifuge.
Benchtop High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge, Tabletop Low Speed Centrifuge, Tabletop Low Speed Centrifuge, Benchtop Low Speed Centrifuge dan ID Card Centrifuge. Oil Test Centrifuge untuk minyak, Dairy Centrifuge untuk susu, Petroleum Centrifuge dan Table Top Low Speed Blood Centrifuge. Hematocrit Centrifuge, High Speed Micro Centrifuge, High Speed Refrigerated Micro Centrifuge, High Speed Mini Centrifuge dan High Speed Micro Centrifuge. Alat laboratorium lainnya yaitu Colony Counter, Colorimeter, Portable Colorimeter, COD Reactor, Density Meter Ekonomis, Density Meter Multi Fungsi. High Precision Multi Function Density Meter, Metal Purity Detector, Liquid Densitometer, Dry Bath Incubator, Freeze Dryer, Furnace atau Tanur. Gas Chromatograph (GC), Heating Mantle, Homogenizer, Hot Plate Magnetic Stirer (Magnetik Stirer), Hot Plate Stirrer, Hot Plate dan HPLC.
Melting Point Tester dan Alat Laboratorium Lainnya
Melting Point Tester, Rotary Microtome, Automatic Microtome, Mikropipet (Micropipette), Mikroskop Binokuler dan Mikroskop Kamera. Mixer Laboratorium, Roller Mixer, Mixer Stirrer Laboratorium, Stirrer Laboratorium, dan Overhead Stirrer. Alat Multi Parameter seperti Portable Conductivity Meter, Portable Conductivity , TDS. Salinity and Resistivity Meter, TDS Meter, Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter, Portable Multi Parameter Water Quality Meter. Waterproof pH, EC and Temperature Tester, Conductivity Meter, TDS Tester, Pen Type EC Meter, Pen Type CF Meter, TDS Meter, TDS Meter. Waterproof Conductivity and Temperature Meter, Waterproof EC,CF dan TDS Meter, Dual TDS Meter, pH Stick, Nutrient Truncheon EC, PPM and CF Meter.
ORP Tester, Portable TDS Meter, Aquarium ORP Monitor, Online EC Monitor, Digital Conductivity Controller, Lab Conductivity Meter. Precision Conductivity Meter, Conductivity and DO Meter, Benchtop Conductivity Meter, Standard Conductivity TDS and Temperature Meter dan Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter. Instrument laboratorium lainnya yaitu Oil Bath, Oven Incubator (Dual Purpose), Oven Laboratorium, Ozone Generator, Particle Counter, Polarimeter, Disc Polarimeter. Digital Automatic Polarimeter, Automatic Polarimeter, Refraktometer, Honey Refractometer, Sailinity Refractometer, Urine Protein Refractometer.
Alcohol Refractometer dan Alat Laboratorium Lainnya
Alcohol Refractometer, Wine Refractometer, Soybean Milk Refractometer, Milk Refractometer, Emulsion Refractometer, Content Lense Refractometer. Multi Scale Digital Refractometer, Multi Scale Digital Refractometer, ABBE Refractometer, V Prism Refractometer, ABBE Digital Refractometer. Automatic ABBE Digital Refractometer, dan Automatic Refractometer. Alat lain seperti Refrigerator Laboratorium, Lemari Pendingin Obat, Rotary Evaporator, LCD Digital Rotary Evaporator, Shaker Laboratorium (Laboratory Shaker). Spektrofotometer (Spectrophotometer), UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Ultrasonic Cleaner DF-UC, Vacuum Pump Laboratorium (Pompa Vakum). Viscometer, Vortex Mixer, Water Bath, Water Bath Low Temperature, Circulating Water Bath, Water Bath Shaker, Water Stiller, Blender Laboratorium dan lainnya.
Island Bench Polos DFL-10
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